Friday, April 29, 2011

Me, Myself, and I

Over the course of this last school semester I have taken a class titled "Entrepreneurial Marketing." I was expecting a course based on marketing a business that was created by me or someone I am working for (such as a "mom and pop"). However, in the process of this class we have learned an even more important skill: how to market ourselves. Being an entrepreneur is really about marketing yourself, and our instructor has tried to point us in the right directions about how to do that.

As I have mentioned in the blog before, I plan to become a doula over the next year. This line of work is basically all about marketing me as a woman and a support system. If I do not show people my true self, I will not get many clients. So world, here it is...a little about myself and my skills.

I truly believe that my greatest strength is my passion. I have a passion for the things that stir my blood, make me think, and bring a fire to my soul. Pregnancy and Childbirth do that to me. Knowing that we mothers and women are part of a sisterhood spanning back to Eve makes me feel so small, yet so powerful. In our bodies we have ability to help God create a miracle. Childbirth is the greatest gift that a women can give to herself and the life, a new soul.

The passion that I have for this area simply brings out my other strengths. For instance, I am very creative. Creativity and the willingness to "step outside the box" is very helpful in childbirth. For instance, during the birth of my son I was looking for a way to focus on something other than the contractions...I ended up having my husband pour ice-cold water slowly down my face during each one while I was in the hot bath. The cold water was more than enough to help me stay in the moment and focus on something else. Being comfortable with unorthodox methods will help me to be able to suggest things to women in labor, giving them relief during a moment of weakness.

My stubborn ways will also be an asset to myself and the mothers I serve. Being able to stand up for the woman and her birth will help protect the "bubble" of safety and calm needed to have a peaceful, easy birth. This stubborn nature will also help me to work my way into a system that in many ways still views childbirth as a dangerous and painful process. Breaking into an area where the natural process of birth is not respected is an uphill battle at times and requires a stout heart.

Through my experiences and the experiences of other mothers I hope to move this nation one step closer to a normal birth community, one that is already in place in many other countries. Somewhere along the road of medical advances, maternity care hit into high gear and began to forget to ask itself one simple question: "Does this technology actually improve normal birth for the mother or baby?" Unfortunately, many of the things that are "normal" now in hospital delivery rooms are not improving the outcome for the mother or baby. Through my skills as a doula and the platform of education that it provides, I hope to reach out to communities and bring normal birth back to its rightful place.

I know that with my passion and knowledge of this wonderful process, I can change lives. I can change the lives of mothers. I can change the lives of fathers, families, and babies. I can change the opinions of nurses and doctors. I can slowly, one baby at a time, change the world of childbirth in this country. I hope that you will join me.

If you are interested in this "world" please feel free to contact me or search these other sources.

Also, Please watch this video! It shows the movement that is happening in this country and across the world. This is what I am working towards. One grain of sand, one drop of water...slowly but surely we will change the world of birth.

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