Monday, November 28, 2011

The Multiple Personalities of a Nursing Mother of an (Almost) Toddler

Tomorrow my son will be 11 months old. Goodness...that is so bittersweet. He is (almost) a toddler now...since I consider a toddler to be a walking baby (hence toddling along = toddler).

5am - Daddy brings in a very happy baby who is giggling and blowing raspberries while nursing. Nurses both sides and then does the little back-and-forth dance and is done. He lays down in the pack-n-play at the end of the bed and sleeps.

8:30am - I hear a crying baby in my dreams. No, wait, that is my real baby, yelling at me to get up. He nurses again on both sides, giggles and plays, and is ready to go out to the living room to say good morning to his toys and Mickey on the TV.

9:15am - I hear screaming coming from the region on my knee. I look down at my son who's face is set in a look of pure agony. He pulls on my shirt and screams at me some more. I put him on my lap and release the boobies and he nurses roughly for about 2 secs on each side and hops down. I put the boobies away and he screams at me some more.

This behavior continued until noon. He was nursing 5-7 times an hour. After his nap at noon, he was fine again. It's like this angry, rough baby steals my baby away in the late morning.

Also, when that angry, rough baby comes to play at our house a very frazzled, tired mom comes and takes my place as well. I know that loosing my patience is not nice. I feel like a bad mom. However, there are times that I simply have to let him cry a little on the floor while I creep up into a ball in the corner of the couch. This does not mean that I am ready to stop nursing...this does not mean that I am going to reach for a bottle...this does not mean that I am a bad mom. This simply means that this morning, nursing was rough. Tonight it was bliss again.

Nursing moms of rowdy are not alone. I hear you.

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