Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oh the Fluff!

Cloth diapering is going really well for us so far. No blowouts, even with his BF poos. (By the way, I don't think that non-moms understand how many times a day moms talk about poop)

However, even though I really don't have an issue with prefolds/covers, which is all we use, and want to add a layer of absorbancy without adding bulk. I am considering making some inserts/doublers from microfiber, and just sandwiching that in some natural fiber (cotton, bamboo, etc). That way I have another layer, but it would be thin.

I am also playing with the idea of making my own fitted type dipes. Maybe not with elastic and what not, but at least trim and fitted to him. I know some people use their favorite sposie as a pattern for a good fitted.

We also used his Swaddlebee's fleece cover for the first time today. I loved it! I wish they still made those (I got these on clearance from this store for $5 a few months back). I am going to keep an eye on ebay and diaperswappers for people selling them. I just love how soft the fleece is the ultimate 'fluffy' feeling.

My guilty pleasure purchase for the day was some baby leg warmers. I know that most people use babylegs, but a friend of a friend suggested My Little Legs. Cheaper, and I think they have cuter patterns.

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