I got an inspiration while reading "O" magizine. (I am normally not a magazine reader, but this month's "O" is about organization...which I need in a major way).
One of the articles in the magazine talks about the crazy life that most of us lead...the "clown show" that we call life.
What would we say if we could watch ourselves...cleaning up poop explosions (which I did twice this morning), bouncing around and dancing like a crazy person with a baby on your hip, trying to balance school, work, and home...making time for a distracted husband who will not get off his phone, remembering to call my parents, getting ready for a vacation that the funds have disappeared for...
This is the crazy thing we call life. If I were looking in from the outside, I would pity the women I saw most days. However, looking at it from a personal perspective, we all do the best we can. Some days I am put together and sane looking and my hair gets brushed...other days I wake up and can't even remember how the baby got into the bed with us when I last remember him being in his swing.
I think what the "O" writer meant by "clown show" is that we try to fit alot of life into each day...and sometimes it doesn't all fit. But when it does, it makes us smile and laugh, and that makes it all worth while.
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