Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Come on Nurses!

We went in for little man's shots today and a well baby check up.

He is 25 and 1/2 inches long and 18 lbs 4 oz. He was born at 6 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches. He has grown so much!

The appointment was okay, but several things made me mad.

1) The nurse practitioner saw us and I was not informed we would be seeing her. I was told that we were seeing the doctor. This was our first time to this office and I would have liked to talk with the doctor to make sure we were on the same page.

2) The nurses did not know what growth charts they were using. I asked if they had access to the WHO growth charts since those are the only charts that a breastfeed baby should be measured against. (The CDC and other charts use formula fed babies as well, and they grow at different rates and eat differently.)

3) The nurse FORCIBLY RETRACTED HIS FORESKIN. I am not normally an all-caps kind of gal, but I am screaming about it in my head at the moment. When your son is not circumcised, you are NOT supposed to forcibly retract the foreskin, since it will loosen on it's own at some point after a year or two. If you pull it back before then you can cause adhesions and infections. See this Link. She was checking his pulse at the groin (which is normal) and then just suddenly grabbed his penis and forced back the foreskin before I even realized what she was doing. WHAT THE HELL.

Come on nurses! Know you stuff and don't mess with my son's foreskin. Thanks.

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