Saturday, October 8, 2011

An update and the Musings about Becoming a Midwife

Oh goodness. Life is moving at such a pace. Our little boy is 9 months old now and let me tell you, he never stops moving. I can not turn my back for a second or he is into something or finding some lonely piece of fuzz on the floor to eat, or trying to turn off the cable box. We invested $200 in baby gates that are way beyond baby proof just to give me piece of mind to go to the restroom.

Our house is moving along at a snails pace now. We got about half the painting done and now we are at a stand still. I think we will paint the kitchen next, but we haven't bought the paint yet. We were about to, but then the hubby decided he didn't want to get it from Wal-Mart, he wanted to get it from Lowes, and well, the process just sort of stopped there.

I am really looking into beginning to contact local midwives so that I can find out my steps to becoming a midwife in this area. I really do not have access to a school near me that teaches midwifery, and we can not move to be near one (we just got done moving!). So really I want to look into doing a traditional apprenticeship (which takes about 6 years). I do have classes that I can take at the famous "Farm" (Ina May Gaskin's place) which is only an hour or so from here. At the very least that could be a starting point and then I could try to find a midwife to take me on.

I think that most of family thinks I'm nuts, and honestly I wonder if I am. I have a young baby and I really want to have more within the next 3 years and beyond (we want 4 total). However, looking at a six year run, I should start now. I was planning to become a doula to "tide me over" till I became a midwife, but I am ready to jump in. My calling feels strong and I just know that this is what God meant for me to do. So God, I am listening, promise. Just help me figure out how to go about finding a midwife crazy enough to take me on, or at least meet with me.

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