Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tear Out My Hair Day

Well, today was a tear out my hair day. This is normally caused by one of several things (or a combination):

1) Sick family
2) Sick me
3) Teething
4) Annoying Facebook comments/messages/people in general

Today it was a cranky baby. God bless my little man, but he was a cranky butt today. I think it is all the new-ness of life right now. He is almost walking, and it scares him when he forgets and lets go of the furniture and takes a step or two. He is trying to cut his "eye" teeth, which are some of the most uncomfortable and take quite a while normally. He is also just sort of needy lately, mostly for the reasons I just stated.

He basically camped out in my lap today, and didn't want to move. That is fine most of the day, but sometimes mommy has to go to the bathroom, or go make a sandwich, or check her email to see if she can finally register for her classes. Every time I had to get up, it was a complete melt down. Tears, snot, screams like he was tortured, the whole bit.

I did have a good day otherwise (and trust me, I know this is just a "season" of his time, and I am happy to comfort him). I got to register for my classes (yay...not really excited about that). I am donating breastmilk for the first time, and a friend is taking it to Memphis for me to drop off to the mom. That is will give me some freezer room...I have over 100 oz in there.

All in all a good day, but we all have times as moms (or dads) when we want to tear out our hair and wave a white flag. That was my day today.

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