Monday, January 16, 2012

Unpaper Challenge 2012, an Update

I posted around New Year's that I was taking the unpaper challenge. So far, we have stopped using paper towels all together (there is still a roll in the back of the cabinet, but we don't plan to use it). I am using some cheap washcloths and flat diapers.

I have to say, while I was not patient enough to use flat diapers in actual cloth diapering, I love them for unpaper towels. They are large, so you can use just one of them all day to wipe up messes just by folding over to a new section when it gets dirty.

We have not started to use unpaper in the bathroom yet (also called family cloth). However, I do plan to start on a set for the bathroom soon. I saw a great idea on Pinterest (yes, I am addicted). They made them the size of toilet paper in width, so that it would go on the toilet paper holder. Then they added one snap between each in the middle to make a roll. No more basket for the wipes. Super cute idea, and I think I am going to do mine that way (or maybe just buy them on Etsy...we shall see). I think that some of our friends think we are nuts, but that's okay. I am doing the earth a favor, getting my counters cleaner (those diapers really scrub!), and saving $$$. Not bad in my book.

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